The Central Auditory Processing Evaluation

The impact of a central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) on communication, learning, job performance, and social interactions is enormous!  Although an audiogram conducted by a licensed audiologist is a critical first step, the traditional audiological evaluation does not tax the auditory system adequately in order to determine its ability to understand and process speech and language under real-world conditions.

Prior to an auditory processing evaluation, you will be asked to provide previous speech and neuro-psych evaluations, if applicable.  If you are being referred by another licensed audiologist, we will ask that you share the audiogram.  The Hearing Teacher, L3C goal is to obtain comprehensive information regarding listening difficulty so that we can design the most comprehensive and deficit-specific intervention plan for you or your child.  We will ask that your child’s core teachers complete a checklist of listening and academic needs.  As part of our intake,  you will be asked to evaluate your child’s listening needs and challenges.

Early intervention is critical!  At The Hearing Teacher, L3C, we evaluate children on site for potential auditory processing deficits as young as 3 years old.  We additionally provide coaching and guidance for parents of infants who suspect a possible auditory processing disorder.

The Hearing Teacher’s goal is to meet your needs.  Once the auditory processing evaluation is complete, we will create a treatment plan designed to address the specific deficit areas identified during testing.