
We offer services and treatment plans tailored to meet your unique hearing needs. From comprehensive evaluations to custom hearing aid fittings, our staff combines years of experience with state-of-the-art technology to find the best solution for you.

Training Therapies

Explore Our Auditory Training Therapies

Auditory training therapies improve auditory processing through structured exercises targeting skills like sound discrimination and memory. They boost communication and language skills and can be tailored to individual needs, often conducted in clinics, schools, or via telehealth.

At the Hearing Teacher, we provide deficit-specific auditory training therapy using approaches designed to retrain the auditory centers of the brain.  Auditory processing intervention requires a 3-tiered approach.  In addition to auditory training, The Hearing Teacher teaches compensatory strategies that can be used at home and in school and provides recommendations for classroom modifications to facilitate classroom learning.

More on Our Deficit-Specific Auditory Training Therapies

speech therapy

Auditory Processing Disorders

Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders

Auditory processing disorders (APD) disrupt how the brain understands sounds, causing issues with speech comprehension and the way our brain processing sound information. People with APD might find it hard to distinguish between sounds or concentrate in noisy settings. Prompt diagnosis and personalized treatments can greatly enhance communication and learning outcomes for those with APD.

child frustrated learning

The impact of a central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) on job performance, social interactions, and classroom learning is enormous! Although it is more common to be diagnosed with a (central) auditory processing disorder as a child, sometimes symptoms develop as we age or result following a stroke or head injury. Many adults with CAPD report that…

More on Symptoms of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in Adults

A Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD or APD) is a ‘glitch’ in the brain’s ability to process or understand sounds and words. In other words, it is “what the brain does with what the ears hear” (Jack Katz, 1994) When we talk about “auditory processing”, we are referring to the way in which your brain recognizes…

More on Understanding Central Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD)